AltSignals, the most recognized and respected crypto trading signals provider in the market, has released its trading reports for January 2020. Bitcoin (BTC) and cryptocurrencies have been in a bull market in January and the whole ecosystem is very excited about the future of the space. With AltSignals it can be a great opportunity for crypto traders to improve their trading strategies and change the way in which they have exposure to the crypto market.
AltSignals BitMex Report January
BitMex users registered a very good month with massive total profits equal to 6.777% in the whole month. During the 31 days of this month, the success rate was 85% meaning that 8,5 trades over 10 were profitable for investors. The best trading pair of the period was XBT providing two trades of very high profits: 2.337% in early January and 938% at the end of the month, close to the 24th January. The third most profitable trade was experienced by Ethereum (ETH) with a leverage of 50 and a profit of 469%, the same profit as a Litecoin (LTC) long with 33 of leverage. The Bitcoin trades were performed with a 100 leverage, both times. In general, trades with a long time spawn tend to provide better results for traders. This is worth taking into consideration. Additionally, considering that BitMex works with margin trading, it is always important to have very tight stop-loss orders opened to reduce the risks of getting liquidated.
AltSignals Binance Report January
Binance has also been a profitable month for trades in the market that are now following AltSignals crypto trading signals. Indeed, users experienced a total profit of 55% with just a success rate of 38.1%. In general, it is not common for AltSignals to have such a low success rate. The best trading pairs this month were HC/BTC, LINK/BTC and ENJ/BTC with a profit of 29.7%, 23.7% and 19.9% respectively. Each of them was closed in just a few hours. The worse trading pairs were DATA/BTC, FET/BTC and OGN/BTC that offered negative returns of 11.5%, 11% and 6.8% respectively. Binance is a crypto exchange that offers users the possibility to trade with a wide range of virtual currencies. At the same time, they are also offering a wide range of alternative investments.
AltSignals Forex Report January
The results were also very good for traditional forex traders. AltSignals provided 68% winning trades in a wide range of currencies from all over the world. This is specifically positive for traders that do not have exposure to the crypto market or that trade with diversified strategies. There were 13 positive trades and only 6 trades that ended up with negative results. The best trading pairs of the month were CHF/JPY with 133 pips, EUR/GBP with 111 pips and CAD/JPY with 106 pips. The same as in the crypto market, long trades tend to be much more profitable than short-term trades opened. It is worth taking into account that the FX market is less volatile than the crypto world. Indeed, a trade may take several days before it gets completely closed to some hours that can take in the virtual currency market.
The Importance Of Having Transparent Reporting
AltSignals cares about the way in which users receive information about their business. This is why they have decided to provide monthly reports about their operations and how profitable they are while offering users trading signals in different crypto markets. While other competitors are currently promoting trading signals for users, they do not fully disclose the trades they shared with users and how they behaved in the market. This is why it is important to always trust companies such as AltSignals that have been for a long time in the market and knows how to provide services to its clients.
In this article, we shared with you the results provided by AltSignals for the month of January. We see that they had a very good month for traders that followed trading signals, but specifically for users that trade with BitMex.
Trade Like a King With AltSignals
Are you a novice trader and you’d like to improve your trading skills? Are you a trading expert and you want to confirm your moves are accurate?AltSignals is the right tool for you. With AltSignals you will receive one of the most accurate trading signals in the market. Check it out and don’t miss a trade anymore.Disclaimer: The information presented by AltSignals and its writers is for informational purposes only. It should not be considered legal or financial advice. AltSignals and its writers are not financial advisers. You should consult with a financial professional to determine what may be best for your individual needs.AltSignals and its writers do not make any guarantees or other promises as to any results that may be obtained from using their content. No one should make any investment decision without first consulting his or her own financial advisor and conducting his or her own research and due diligence.Please always invest within your means and do so responsibly.