There is a large number of Telegram Signals Channels in the market. However, it becomes a difficult task to select the most profitable trading channel. Most of them would not be accurate and would share signals that might not perform so well. However, few of these trading signals groups would share very accurate signals for many different markets and to over 50,000 followers.
Therefore, how can we trust Telegram Signals Channels? How to choose the best Telegram Signals Channels? This is clearly not an easy task, but there are some things that we can do if we want to select the best telegram signals channels. No matter the type of asset that you are trading, there are different things that you should consider before paying for a subscription.
In this post we focus on the things that you should take into account if you want to select a reliable trading signals channel on Telegram. This will help you avoid scams and trade with professional investors.
What are Telegram Signals Channels?
If we want to understand how to choose the best Telegram signals channels, we should first describe what trading signals channels are and how they work. Telegram signals channels are groups on the Telegram social media (messaging) app that share trading suggestions to followers.
There are many trading signals channels on Telegram that are already offering these solutions. They would focus not only in just one market, but you will see that they would be sharing signals for many other markets. You can find trading signals for different markets such as forex, cryptocurrencies, indices, gold and stocks, among others.
A team of professional traders will share with you valuable information about the market. You can then decide to follow the signals shared or not. It is up to you to take the risk and open trading positions by following these signals. But let’s get into the details of how Telegram signals channels work.
How do Telegram Signals Channels Work?
Telegram signals channels work by sending traders and followers a trading signal for a specific trading pair and asset. For example, if you are trading in the forex market, they can tell you to enter a long position (buy) on the USD/EUR trading pair (Forex) at $0.91.
The goal here would be to profit from price fluctuations in the USD/EUR trading pair. If the EUR now moves higher and the USD losses value against the EUR, then you will be profiting. The trading signals group would then require you to set some take profit levels and a stop loss.
The take profit level can be just one level or many targets. It highly depends on the trading strategy of the signals group. In our example, the take profit levels could be $0.87 and $0.85. In this way, they would be able to buy more USD. The stop loss could be at $0.92. That means that the position will get closed at $0.92 with a small loss in order to avoid further losses.
Telegram signals channels usually focus on very accurate signals. That means that if the market moves in the opposite direction, they prefer to close the position and wait for a good buying opportunity to profit from.
Telegram signals channels can send many trading signals to investors every single day. But this will highly depend on the trading signals group that you are using and the strategies that they follow. Each trading signals group is different and would have different trading strategies.
Another thing that you should know is that some of the best trading signals channels would also offer a trading bot. This would help you automate your trades without having to manually open and close positions in the market. But we will get into the details of how to find the best trading signals groups in the next section.
How to Choose the Best Telegram Signals Channels?
It is now time to analyze the best Telegram Signals Channels available and how we can register an account on some of the best trading signals groups. We will focus on some of the most important aspects that would let you trade efficiently and avoid scammers.
There is no golden rule. Even if you found a Telegram Signals Channel with all these attributes, you might still be following a scammer. Therefore, there are some things that you can do to avoid following non-reliable trading signals groups.
Every single month, some trading signals groups would release a trading report with a summary of all the trades shared throughout a specific month. The following is an example of a report released by AltSignals, one of the best trading signals groups on Telegram.
But what can we see in this summary? We see that they released 96 signals of which 54 were profitable. There were also 42 losses and the win rate was 56%. The total profit was 1155% for those users that followed every single trade shared by the company. The report refers to Binance Futures signals for the month of January 2022.
Additionally, you can open the full report by clicking on the “view report” button. In this way, you can get detailed information about every single trade executed and which things you should avoid in the future.
Some trading signals groups would not release any type of report or they would take a very long time to release these reports. Therefore, you should check whether the trading signals group that you selected shares regular reports on a timely basis.
Customer Support
Another thing that you should take into consideration when choosing the best telegram signals channel is their customer support. A good customer support team will be ready to help you at all times, including a 24/7 turn. This is definitely important if you are having trouble managing your funds on the platforms that you use to trade.
A lack of an experienced customer support team would definitely be a problem for the Telegram group offering signals. Some of the best telegram signals channels in the market would offer a customer support team that is managed by the founders of the group. This would definitely give the peace of mind that traders are searching for in financial markets.
Furthermore, the lack of an experienced customer support team would have a negative impact on the trading signals group. Why? Because it could make things look less serious and because it would definitely not be of help if people need help. Experienced customer support teams would definitely make a very large difference.
This is also an important thing to consider when you search for the best signals channels on Telegram. Experience is difficult to prove, but you will see this as soon as you start following trading signals. The more experienced the team behind a trading signals groups, the better it would be for traders that start following you.
Without the necessary experience, trading signals groups would not be able to start even sharing signals with you. It is necessary to have experience managing different indicators, and trading pairs. These expert traders would then improve on a regular basis the signals that are sent to investors.
With the necessary experience, trading signals groups could become very profitable over long periods of time. This can only be possible with traders that understand the markets and that have been working for several years in the financial industry. Otherwise, trading signals groups would only be sending signals without any type of financial logic.
Solutions Offered
When it comes to cryptocurrency, forex and stock trading signals groups, we should also focus on the solutions that they offer. It is clear that we are searching for trading signals, but, in some cases, there could be many other services offered by these trading signals groups.
For example, does the trading signals group offer trading bots? Is the company sharing monthly reports? Does the trading group developed in-house trading tools and indicators? We do want to receive trading signals, but all the things that could improve our trading skills and performance in the market would make things even better.
For example, one of the most common things that we have seen among trading signals groups is related to new indicators that can be used on TradingView and other platforms. These indicators have been created by the best Telegram signals channels and can be purchased in just a few simple steps.
This would be one of the best options if you are serious about trading following signals. Usually, these indicators would display a buy or sell signal on TradingView in order for you to be able to follow it and execute your trades automatically. But there are many other solutions that could be offered by trading signals groups. It is up to you to decide which of them you start following and which are the solutions that you are searching for.
Reading reviews about a specific trading signals group on Telegram is a must. This is especially important if you are new to the trading market. Why? Because many of the signals groups that are currently offering trading signals are simply scams. This does not mean, however, that all trading signals groups are scammers.
Indeed, some trading signals groups are very professional, but others are simply scammers and are trying to steal your funds. If you see that revies show that specific trading signals groups are scammers, then you just simply need to avoid them.
Make sure you check the red flags that could appear in these reviews. Did the trading signals shared fail? Did the trading signals group simply stopped working? Did you receive all the solutions that they offered you when you purchased the subscription?
These are some of the questions that you should search for when you read online reviews of these trading signals groups.
Trading Bot
Trading bots are very important. You know that with trading bots you don’t have to be worried about manually executing trades. Indeed, these tools would simply execute the trades on your behalf. That’s how important trading bots are for cryptocurrency traders.
But how do trading bots work? Can they be connected to trading signals in the market? Yes, they can. Basically, trading signals groups have to make sure that they follow a specific standard in order for trading bots to follow the signals and execute them on your behalf.
Remember that trading signals will be sent using Telegram groups. This is why the trading bot should be able to identify these signals, the trading pair and the take profit levels (including a stop-loss to reduce risk). Therefore, having trading bots that are compatible with the signals agreed by certain groups would be very important for investors.
Finally, how can you find whether a trading signals provider is profitable or not? Well, one of the ways that you can check whether a trading signals group is profitable is by checking the number of followers that they have.
Take into consideration that a large number of followers does not necessarily mean that they are a good trading signals group. Indeed, they could be using fake followers. But if you see that there is a very active group with a large number of followers, then this could be considered a positive thing.
Of course, you should always make sure that you check whether these are real followers. Additionally, this is just one of the measures that you can use to understand how to choose the best Telegram signals channel in the market.